Brand design

Brand design

Silvia Nichita

The design of a brand requires assiduous research work: the identity and values of a brand or product must be communicated, synthesizing them with a symbol or logo.

This will be unique and recognizable, memorable and adaptable to various communication media: from digital, to print, to corporate gadgets.

In this project I created my personal brand, which I use for my freelance business, on all social channels, on business cards and in all necessary situations.

There are all possible variants, from the pictogram, to the logotype and payoff, in color, single-color, 3d versions, on various supports and in various layouts.

Terracquea is the brand of Giulia Caccopardo, garden designer and mycologist. Her brand, a registered trademark, is based on sustainability.

The aesthetic starts from Giulia’s hand-drawn logo, which I revisited in a vector version, with the palette and shades of color that represent her brand.

Software used: Adobe Illustrator

Silvia Nichita
Silvia Nichita

Hamana is the brand of Simona Barzon, a holistic operator. Her brand was created to represent the essence of her and her values rooted in the holistic world.

The graphics start from a vision / intuition of hers, which together we interpreted in a vector version, with the color palette that represents: energy, passion, balance and power.

Software used: Adobe Illustrator

Anna Journal is the brand of Annalisa Picca, physical activity instructor. Her logo is a visual work that embodies the instructor’s philosophy and holistic approach towards wellness, combining symbolic elements that represent: energy, harmony and transformation.

The graphic elements speak of 360° well-being, of Annalisa’s affections that support her and of her connection with the phases of the moon, all wrapped up in two stylized figures in movement, which recall the initials of her activity (Anna Journal) . The color palette underlines her principles: reliability, security, calm and tranquility, along with optimism and dynamism.

Software used: Adobe Illustrator

Silvia Nichita
Silvia Nichita

This logo was created on the occasion of the “NUOVA PRO LOCO ACAYA LOGO” ideas competition. Conceived as a synthesis of the values of the pro loco, enclosed in the shape of the ancient walls of its village, in representing the protection and improvement of the environmental, tourist and cultural resources of the place, the safeguarding of cultural and tourist resources, and the opening, solidarity, knowledge and cultural exchanges.

The colors chosen: blue to represent safety, reliability; green – the protection of the environment and red that communicates strength, authority and dynamism, the whole to represent the driving force of change.

Software used: Adobe Illustrator

Rosedi Wellbe is the brand of Rosa Edvige Pozzessere, reiki master. Its brand was created to represent the essence, energy, balance and harmony that Reiki promotes in our lives.

The graphics start from the logo hand-drawn by Rosa, which I revisited in a vector version, with the color palette representing the colors of the 7 chakras. The symbols represent the connection between body, mind and spirit, and the lightness and freedom that can be found in the Reiki path.

Software used: Adobe Illustrator

Silvia Nichita